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Izložba u najavi: Odjeci...iz zvučnog arhiva Kraljevskog muzeja za Centralnu AfrikuOtvaranje: četvrtak 13. novembar u 18č Fokusirajući se pre svega na svojevrsnom „ears-on“ pristupu ne-materijalnoj baštini, posetioci će biti u prilici da čuju izbor zvučnih zapisa koji se čuvaju u arhivi Tervuren Muzeja, a koji dolaze sa šireg područja centralne Afrike. Ova izložba zvuka insistira na samom „doživljaju“ zvučnog zapisa, ali ne zanemaruje „etnografske realnosti“ – vreme, mesto i način kreiranja tog zapisa. Time se preispituje kako angažovanjem pre svega čula sluha – zapostavljanjem pritom primarne uloge koju vid i vizuelno imaju u muzejskom kontekstu – aktivno slušamo i (neminovno) iznova interpretiramo muzealiju. Kustos izložbe: Emilia Epštajn (MAU) Gosti otvaranja: Remi Žadinon, kustos KMCA i autor kataloga izložbe ...predstaviće svoj istraživački rad kroz prezentaciju: „Razgovori o modernosti u tradicionalnoj muzici iz Centralne Afrike: sa fokusom na dinamiku muzike, od tradicionalnog ka popularnom, na primeru pesama na ngombi harfi među Mitsɔgɔ u Gabonu“. dr Ana Kotevska, muzikolog predstaviće posetiocima svoja iskustva sa kolekcijama Kraljevskog Muzeja za Centralnu Afriku – Tervuren i napraviti osvrt na fenomen „vodenih bubnjeva“ u Zapadnoj Africi. Izložba je rezultat uspostavljanja Protokola o saradnji između beogradskog Muzeja afričke umetnosti (MAU) i Kraljevskog muzeja za centralnu Afriku (KMCA) – Tervuren, u Briselu. Prijatelji izložbe: |
Andre Nikolića 14 Tel: + 381 11 2651 654 |
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Exhibition announcement: Echoes...from the Royal Museum for Central Africa Sound ArchivesExhibition opening: Thursday, November 13th at 6 p.m. Focusing primarily on an “ears-on” approach to non-material heritage, visitors will have the opportunity to hear a selection of audio inscriptions from the Tervuren Museum sound archives, which come from the wider area of Central Africa. This sound exhibition insists on “experiencing” sound without, however, neglecting their “ethnographic realities” – the time, place and means by which the sound inscriptions were made. This approach is able to question the way in which by primarily engaging the sense of hearing – giving sight and the visual a secondary role in the museum context – visitors actively listen and (inevitably) continually re-interpret musealia. Exhibition curator: Emilia Epštajn (MAA) Guests of the opening: Rémy Jadinon, RMCA curator and exhibition catalogue author ...who will present his research through “Talks about Modernity in the Traditional Music from Central Africa: Focusing on musical dynamics, from traditional to popular, in the ŋgɔmbi harp songs among the Mitsɔgɔ in Gabon” & dr Ana Kotevska, musicologist ...who will reflect on her own experiences with the Royal Museum for Central Africa – Tervuren Collections and the “water-drums” phenomenon in West Africa. The sound installation is a result of the signed Protocol on Cooperation between the Museum of African art (MAA) in Belgrade and the Royal Museum for Central Africa (RMCA) – Tervuren, Belgium. Friends of the exhibition: |
Andre Nikolića 14 Tel: + 381 11 2651 654 |
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