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MANKALA VIKEND U PETROVCU NA MLAVI!28. i 29. mart 2014U saradnji sa Muzejom afričke umetnosti iz Beograda i Direkcijom za omladinu i sport iz Petrovca na Mlavi - Zavičajni muzej organizuje "MANKALA vikend". U petak i subotu, 28. i 29. marta 2014. godine, u prostorijama Direkcije za omladinu i sport (Davorjanke Paunović bb) imaćete priliku da se upoznate sa pravilima i zaigrate koju partiju ove zanimljive strateške igre koja postaje globalni fenomen. Mankala je društvena igra misaonog karaktera i logičko-matematičke kombinatorike koja se u različitim varijantama igra na četiri kontinenta: u Africi, Aziji, Južnoj i Severnoj Americi. Međutim, jedino se u Africi igra na prostoru čitavog kontinenta. Arheološka istraživanja su potvrdila da se mankala igrala još u doba neolita i stoga se ova igra smatra jednom od najstarijih društvenih igara na svetu. Petak, 28. mart 2014, 17h-19h« MANCALA RULES » IGRANJE ZA ODRASLE: Ivana Vojt, istoričar umetnosti, kustos i autor izložbe Mankala, misaona igra u MAU (decembar 2012 - oktobar 2013), će ukratko predstaviti ovu specifičnu igru, nakon čega će posetioci imati priliku da nauče da igraju mankalu i postanu deo jedinstvene atmosfere koju ova igra kreira.Subota, 29. mart 2014, 10h-12hDEČJA RADIONICA: Kustosi Muzeja afričke umetnosti će pokazati deci kako se igra mankala, nakon čega će se i sami oprobati u ovoj igri. Kad savladaju pravila igre, deca će moći sama da naprave Mankalu za poneti od kartona za jaja.Da biste postali mankalista nije potrebno nikakvo predznanje. Pravila su jednostavna, ali se rezultat ne postiže lako. Ono što se razvija učenjem mankale je sposobnost kalkulacije, strateškog mišljenja i taktike. Takođe, igranje mankale je dobra prilika za razvijanje komunikacije među ljudima, druženje i sklapanje novih prijateljstava. Učešće u programu je besplatno, a table za igru obezbediće Muzej afričke umetnosti. |
Andre Nikolića 14 Tel: + 381 11 2651 654 |
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MANCALA WEEKEND IN PETROVAC NA MLAVIMarch 28th & 29th, 2014In collaboration with the Museum of African Art in Belgrade and the Department for Sport and Youth Development, the Heritage Museum “Petrovac na Mlavi” will organize a special event - MANCALA WEEKEND. On Friday, March 28th and Saturday, March 29th, 2014, citizens of Petrovac na Mlavi will have the opportunity to learn how to play the mancala board game.The event will take place within the spaces of the Department for Sport and Youth Development, Davorjanke Paunovic Street, n.n. Mancala is a cognitive board game based on logical and mathematical combinatorics played in different variations on four continents: in Africa, Asia, South and North America. However, it is only in Africa that that it is played across the whole continent. It is considered to be one of the oldest games in the world and there is evidence of it that goes back to the Neolithic. To become a good “mancalist” no previous knowledge is necessary. The rules are simple however it is not easy to score. What is developed through mancala is quick calculation, strategic thinking and tactics. Also, playing mancala is a good opportunity to develop communicational skills, forge friendships and meet new people. March 28th, 2014, 5 pm - 7 pmMANCALA RULES FOR GROWNUPS: Ivana Vojt, exhibition curator and catalogue author will give a short presentation of this game, after which visitors will have the opportunity to learn and play mancala themselves.March 29th, 2014, 10 am - 12 noonCHILDREN'S WORKSHOP: MAA curators will show children how to play mancala. After learning the rules and playing the game, children will be instructed how to make a portable mancala out of egg boxes.Participation in the program is free and mancala boards will be provided by the Museum of African Art. |
Andre Nikolića 14 Tel: + 381 11 2651 654 |
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